Bloom Embroidered Cotton Duvet cover in Grey & Ivory

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Embroidered Duvet covers

STYLE: Bloom

CUSTOMIZATION ON SIZE: For any other size, please inbox me for a quotation.

Fabric: Organic unbleached handmade ecru linen ( the fabric of the other variations are machine woven )
Thread: Cotton
Detailing: Each duvet cover has been made by feeding a pattern on digital machines which is then embroidered and finished by hand using hand driven machines. The opening for the duvet insert is fastened using buttons. 

Machine washable
Do not tumble dry
Do not dry in direct sunlight
Do not use bleach

SHIPPING: We use Fed Ex and DHL Express for all shipments with a delivery lead time of 4 days. 
COVID-19 UPDATE: We are routing all orders via UK to US and tracking numbers will be provided from Royal Mail, UK. If you would like us to use Express shipping, please do message us for payment of extra shipping charges.

@ Beraru, all our products are exclusively designed and made by hand. We use locally sourced materials and all products are made using hand driven machines. We provide a standard and finish comparable to readily available factory made products and we assure you we wont let you down! Support handmade and support Make in India!

Instagram: beraru.home


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